I do appreciate all the help and advice given on here. My ex use to do that and her phone would shutdown from the heat. I guess I am just old school plus I hate having my phone attached to my handlebar. Since I bought my new bike I now have a Road Tech that I need to sell and it is amazing how many people are giving me grief over not using a GPS anymore. I'm a Jeeper also and have learned to only trust my electronic maps only so much. But people are too busy following their electronic devises to pay attention. Connect your navigation device to your PC and. At the beginning of my road there is two signs telling people it is a dead end road with NO TURN AROUND. Please register your PMD-B200P and your required personal data within Naviextras Toolbox, which is a free PC-tool.
The fact that there is a cannel between us doesn't help. The mapping software shows my road connecting with a road that is 2-300 yards away. I feel for the commercial drivers and every now and then someone towing a trailer. I live at the end of a gravel road and many of the GPS systems (don't know which ones) used by people both in POV's and commercial rigs come down to the end of my road and then have to figure out how to turn it around.