ShopItem#Faction: The faction needed to buy this item.InventoryItem#EnhancementPatternID: A number that reflects which enhancement is currently applied to an = Armor ba = Cape he = Helm pe = Pet Weapon = Weapon ItemBase#ItemGroup: The filter group of the item.New Option ScriptInterface#Options.RetryRelogin, it is true by default and will try to re-login 3 times.
Auto Attack/Hunt quest completing should work as expected.You can use ShopCache.Loaded list to see the information of loaded shops.Rare app crash regarding the Skills fixed.Hunting/Killing methods ignore leading and trailing spaces in the name of the monsters.Fixed a problem with temporary item drops.ScriptManager.RestartScript work as intended.ScriptInterface#Player.Relogin added, it returns a whether the relogin was successful.ScriptInterface#Quests.CanComplete now also checks if you have all the required items instead of only relying in a game property that is not being updated correctly.ScriptInterface#Inventory.GetTempItemById added.ScriptInterface#Events.RunToArea added, use it for monsters with mechanics like Ledgermayne and Ultra Dage.